记者问: 英国广播公司(BBC)网站7月7日刊登题为《间谍竞赛:中国的全球网络》的文章,欧博称中国以商业活动为名从事间谍行为。请问中国大使馆有何评论? 使馆发言人: 该文章罔顾事实,混淆黑白,给正常的中外商业合作贴上间谍活动标签,充满了偏见和无知,欧博娱乐完全是对公众的误导,极大损害了BBC的公信力。 一段时期以来,5G问题一直广受关注。个别国家极力兜售所谓“华为威胁论”,散布“科技冷战”阴云,欧博allbet试图给全球电信行业筑起“隔离墙”。这些言行违背开放包容的时代潮流,影响各国电信业的正常发展,是十分危险的。 一些别有用心的人炒作,中国根据《国家情报法》可以“迫使”电信供应商移交数据。事实上,欧博百家乐上述法律规定,国家情报工作应当依法进行,尊重和保障人权,维护个人和组织合法权益。中国从来没有也不会要求企业或个人以违反当地法律的方式、以安装“后门”等形式为中国政府采集或提供位于外国境内的数据、信息和情报。中国有句话“欲加之罪,何患无辞”,滥用国家安全理由、人为制造“华为5G安全风险”,只能影响各国开展正常合作,最终只会搬起石头砸自己的脚。 环顾世界,保护主义、单边主义严重冲击国际经济秩序,但经济全球化是不可逆转的时代潮流。在这样的形势下,我们更要坚持多边主义,而不是单边独霸;要坚持合作共赢,而不是“本国优先”;要坚持“拆墙”,而不是“筑墙”。 我们敦促BBC等英国媒体公正、客观看待中国发展,使西方民众了解一个真实的中国,而不是妄自臆测和抹黑中国,误导英国民众,损害中英互信与合作的基础。 答问英文: Embassy Spokesperson's Remarks on BBC article entitled The spying game: China's global network Question: The BBC website published an article entitled The spying game: China’s global network (July 7). What is the comment of the Chinese Embassy in the UK? Embassy Spokesperson: This article is full of defamatory comments on normal Sino-foreign business cooperation, which toxical and misleading to the public. It is a serious compromise of the BBC’s professionalism and credibility as a mainstream media to publish such distorted contents. On the issue of 5G, reports have been dominated by unfair and untrue touting of the so-called “Huawei threat” and “technology cold war”, and even talks of building a “wall” that would divide the global telecommunications sector. Such stories are harmful to the normal development of the industry. The fallacy that China’s National Intelligence Law could “force” telecommunications suppliers to hand over data to China is nothing but scaremongering. This law stipulates that “national intelligence work shall be carried out in a way that respects and protects human rights, and safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of individuals and organisations.” China has never and will never ask companies or individuals to collect data, information or intelligence in others countries by illegal means. Fabricating “Huawei risk” in the name of national security is tantamount to giving a dog a bad name to hang him. Doing so will only hamper normal cooperation between countries, and in the end, “drop the stone on their own feet”. Quite aside from the protectionist blow that such a move would strike, economic globalisation remains an irreversible trend of our times. Under such circumstances, it is all the more important to choose multilateralism over unilateralism and hegemony, cooperation over putting one’s own country first, and to tear down walls instead of erecting one. We urge that the BBC and other British media to replace presumptuous speculation, arbitrary defamation and misleading reports with a fair and objective approach to China's development, help the people here in the UK and in other western countries see a real China and protect the mutual trust and co-operation between China and the UK. (责任编辑:) |